Our Story

Hi, I’m Gemma, mummy to Sofia & Harriet, our little ‘monkey’s’ (as they are known) and also our fur babies Rufus and Otis.

You’ll often find me and my husband in our wellies in the great outdoors; hiking, walking and generally breathing in the fresh air.



We have two working cocker spaniels - Rufus, the black one, is the eldest. He’s stubborn, vocal and always on high alert. True to a cocker’s way - he never rests. Otis, his nephew, (or brother as we like to say) is the polar opposite. He adores cuddles, he’s very affectionate yet is a pro on the field.

Sofia is our little Princess - not a fur baby but our very own little offspring. She brought so much love into our world. She’s a special little soldier as she’s a little heart warrior with the battle scars to prove it. She’s such a trooper and continues to grow from strength to strength. Harriet, is the newest recruit… she came along early 2022 and made our family complete.

Me, well I specialise in capturing dog portraits in the great outdoors.

Based in Loughborough in the East Midlands, I offer outdoor dog photography experiences within the East Midlands area, at specifically chosen venues, or can come to your favourite hot spot.

I’ve always had a soft spot for dogs - they’ve been my weakness for as long as I can remember. As a very small child, I recall role-playing with other kids, pretending to be a vet to all my little fur friends. I had dreams of becoming a vet (or a dolphin trainer) but my fear of blood (and water) meant my aspirations were soon washed away.

However, as I grew older, I became increasingly interested in photography. I recall the days as a 10-year-old, photographing anything in sight with the family’s point and shoot film camera. Photography became my new aspiration.

When Rufus came along everything changed. As I mentioned, he was our first dog, and, being a black dog, he was difficult to photograph. At last, here was the subconscious kick in the derriere that I’d been waiting for. This was my light bulb moment – it was time to follow my dreams.
Waving my magic wand; some hard years of studying later (while working full time), I found myself qualified and so began Gemma Calderon Dog Photography!

I want to be able to offer people the opportunity to capture moments in time that will last a lifetime. Making memories come to life, forever!

As Featured in:

Tails of the World Vol.2

365 dogs, 74 photographers, 14 countries, 1 book

The Tails of the World™ Collective is an international group of professional pet photographers, all celebrating our local dogs and fundraising for animal rescue.

£500 raised for Dogs Trust 

As part of the Tails of the World Book project, back in 2023 I raised £500 for Dogs Trust UK, and collectively towards Second Chance Animal Rescue.

Thank you to all doggies & Pawrents who were involved and took part in this amazing project- this is such a great achievement!

74 International photographers from all ends of the earth set out on a mission to come together to raise money locally, and internationally. By hosting charitable photoshoots, clients enjoyed the photography experience with their canine friend. Each client paid a charitable donation, and in return received the shoot experience and an image printed in the Tails of The World vol.2 Book, which is now sold internationally via Amazon.